I am all for visitors, I would even be up for visitors of the alien persuasion... Give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they are not the nasty kind like in Independence Day or the mouse eating lizards like in V. (The good one from the 80's not the one in 2009. To be fair, I didn't see the new one but if the lack of a second season is any indicator...) We can hope they are more like Starman or E.T.
I digress.
My visitor was not an alien in the literal sense or even a mammal.
I was watching a bit of TV and across the floor skittered my visitor. If it weren't for the many legs, I would have thought it a small mouse. It was, in fact, a large spider...
I am not the biggest fan of arachnids... I know they have there place in the grand scheme of things but if they would just mind their own business, we would get along fine.
Plus, this was not your typical spider you find in your house, or even on your way to the car that can be quickly dispatched with a bit of tissue or the bottom of a shoe...
My research, on Wikipedia of course, in the AM taught me that it was (I believe) a Wolf Spider.
Yeah, that was about the size of the one I saw... No - that is not me holding it...
In reading the Wikipedia page on the guy, I discovered that he was not all bad.
- This type of spider usually lives in solitude so I, most likely, would not get his brothers or kids coming by for a visit (although they won't be avenging his death either).
- This spider (and any spider I guess) is good to have around as they eat insects... I think this one may have had his fair share...
Now, I have always felt that the little spiders are creepier. Maybe it was the movie Arachnophobia...
I figured the bigger ones were more like a small mammal, just the extra legs and not really cuddly... At one point I held a tarantula at a bug zoo in Canada.
This one was kind of in the mid-range...
I made the decision that it was either him (maybe her???) or me. The spider would have to go...
Briefly I thought of the old shoe method to dispatch my visitor. I quickly changed my game plan as I decided if I tried to smack it, it would just become angry and who knows what it may do...
I decided a watery grave may be a better choice. Not necessarily fatal for the creature, he may have a chance to escape from the sewer far away from my domicile
Fortunately I like to drink Diet Pepsi and had an empty 12 pack on hand. I ever so gently encouraged it into the box.
I could be wrong but I don't think you should be able to HEAR the foot falls of a spider...
This thing was tap dancing in there...
He splashed into the toilet and I thought victory was mine with a simple flush.
It would seem these things can swim, or at least this one could (later, I heard that the hair follicles of the spider are hollow making them buoyant - could be wrong... No further research done on this aspect)... While swirling, he tucked in his legs and then proceeded to try to climb out of the toilet when the swirling stopped.
Another flush... Still no success...
I would have to step it up a notch. Lime Away would have to do... I did not wish him harm but, as I said, it was him or me...
A few sprays into the bowl caused him to curl up a bit and then sink in to the water, although he was still pretty frisky.
Dare I flush again? Would it work? Would my visitor depart?
I did, it did and he did...
Let this be a lesson to all the spiders out there...
DON'T MESS WITH ME. I have bathroom chemicals and I am not afraid to use them...