To be fair, I know things could be A LOT worse... But still.
After months, actually more like years, I have finally found a company that recognizes the value of having me in their employ for more than a couple of days or weeks at a time.
This resulted in my having to find a domicile closer to the job as I would have a 100 mile/2 hour commute. Doable if I had to in a pinch but not ideal.
The plan was/is to find an apartment for myself. Sounds easy enough right?
Not so easy if;
a) You worked in a situation where you traveled 100% of the time and housing was provided. As you were home for six weeks between contracts there was not a need to keep property.
b) When you did work with a company where you were in one place for the whole time you ended up getting a house as it was easier and more economical then the rentals in the area.
c) Stopped working where you had to travel so much so you could assist your family in moving and in general housework.
d) As a result you, not wanting to collect UN-employment, have taken various jobs out of your field so you could continue to do things like pay bills...
I found a very nice place. Gated community, lots of nice amenities, and very close to the new place of employment.
As part of the application this particular complex (could be others, but I have no frame of reference) 'scores' you based on three factors. Job history and longevity, rental history, and credit score.
Due to my circumstances I received ZERO points for rental history due to the reasons listed. And I received low points for job longevity due to taking the job that is available and the nature of my business having jobs that are a couple of weeks or a couple months. It is not the regular job where you are working year round with a couple of weeks vacation.
Although I have an excellent credit score and have been working since I was 15 with minimal gaps in that history, I was not readily approved to get the apartment.
At this point, due to low 'score', I would have to pay double the security deposit, and would not qualify for the bonus of first month's rent free.
Being a good person who has always paid bills, including a mortgage, and decided to stop working where I had been for years so I could help my parents when they need it does NOT factor in.
Why am I being penalized for this? I continually seeing people that do not seem to have any type of job residing in places and finding a wife and starting a family (often times not wanting the latter but getting it anyway) and collecting support for their 'effort'.
Any reward for hard work and support of family???
Perhaps I should have forgotten about the shorter jobs where I was a manager or supervisor and opted for a job mopping floors that had longevity.
Floors always need to be mopped.
UPDATE: I have been approved but I still need to pay DOUBLE the security deposit. This is less than one month's rent and I do get one month free but still not happy about it.
"We have to use the same criteria for everyone..."
Based on their application/approval process - I would have gotten a better score if I had worked steadily as a dishwasher and paid a friend $25 to sleep on his couch...
At least I know where I will be sleeping when I start work...