Saturday, August 27, 2011

What Is A Dually?

Now I would not necessarily call myself an uneducated person.
I have always done well in school.
I have lived in several different parts of this country and traveled to many parts of the world.

I do believe one can always learn something new and I am not against that in any way.

If someone asked me to define dually, I would probably come up with something close to what the dictionary has:
1. of, pertaining to, or noting two.
2. composed or consisting of two people, items, parts, etc., together; twofold; double: dual ownership; dual controls on a plane.
3. having a twofold, or double, character or nature.

Today was a day in which I learned something new.

While working, I took an order over the phone for pick up.  When I got the vehicle description the gentleman on the other end of the line said, "I drive a 1 Ton Ford 'Dooly'".  I repeated the vehicle type just to make sure I heard it correctly.  I did.
I gave him the total and hung up.  When I asked the bartender if she knew what a 'dooly' was, she sort of laughed and said yes.

I was part of the very small minority of people in the restaurant, guests and workers, who did not know what a 'dooly' was/is.

I started life in Colorado (okay, technically I was three [or 36 months - depending on who you talk to] when we moved to Colorado), lived for many years in Illinois, have spent time in New York, lived in Florida for a while (and will be again soon), and have traveled through a lot of Europe and the Caribbean.
I have NEVER heard of an alternate name of 'dooly' used for a truck...  Lori in England, yes.  Some names I cannot pronounce from other countries, of course.  'Dooly', never.
That is right friends, for the uneducated or unknowing, a 'dooly' or dually, is a pick up truck.  It is specifically the type that has double wheels on each side on the rear axle.  (Therefore, 'dual' and dually.)
I have always known this to be the 'horse trailer truck' or the 'camper truck' or 'the truck that you use to pull larger loads', any variation along that line.
This is not the case here in Tennessee.  The majority of the individuals asked or informed about my (very humorous apparently) lack of knowledge on the vernacular of this area, knew EXACTLY what 'a dually' was referring to.

This is what one looks like unless you know what I am talking about by 'the horse trailer truck'.

So for the rest of the day - certain bartenders decided to call me 'dooly'.

I know of other trucks that have ten wheels as well.  Double axle on the back each axle with four wheels each.
When I inquired about what 'cool name' this type of truck had I was quite disappointed as it is simply called a 'ten wheel'.  
I am sure many of you are wondering the same thing as I.  Why is there a fun and festive name for the six wheeled, or aforementioned 'dually', and the more impressive ten wheeled big brother is simply called a 'ten wheel'?

Although I could not find an acceptable answer to this, I would formally like to announce my new word/name for the ten wheeled vehicle with which to pull a trailer for animals larger than a horse (perhaps cows?), or a larger trailer than your basic pop up or out...

Drum roll please...

The ten wheeled truck shall now be called 'a decly'...  (TM @TheSethBerry August 27, 2011)

Please pass the word and feel free to insert my new word into your vocabulary and use it as often as possible to get it out there into the world.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

To Scape or Not To Scape

I don't think there should be any question...

If you know me, there are several things you probably know;

1 - I do not like to wear pants - since my Freshman year in college when I broke my leg and had to wear shorts to get them over the cast (people would laugh if I wore nothing).  It was in the middle of the winter but I just got used to it and found that most buildings had the heat cranked so it was hot inside.  If I wore jeans my legs would get cold regardless and would hold the cold air within the denim and my legs would remain cold longer.  If I wore shorts, the warm air would hit my skin quicker and warm up my legs faster than had I worn pants.

2 - I am not really fond of regular shoes, I prefer sandals or bare feet for myself - I DO NOT like feet (a horrible part of the body but that is for another time) but I do like some cool shoes on a lady, but don't ask me to touch them...  When we cram the infant feet into shoes before they can even walk, we are squishing the feet and letting them get all hot and sweaty...  Feet need to breath and enjoy the sun like the rest of our body...  Sandals or bare feet are the way to go...

3 - I do enjoy a tank top or a sleeveless shirt - like the feet needing to enjoy the sun, our whole body needs to enjoy the warmth of the sun.  I believe I am meant to live in a warm climate.  Hopefully this next holiday season I will be in Florida and not getting weird looks when I am wearing my short and sandals.

4 - I am not a hairy dude... - minor point but relevant in this topic.

(Basically I should be a beach bum and should have grown up on the beach but was born in the wrong place geographically.)

That being said.

I don't think I would be donning a tank top or sleeveless shirt if I already had built in sleeves.  I saw a dude the other night that, at first glance, looked to be wearing a 'criss cross' style shirt with a bright yellow center and dark sleeves.

Not the case.

He was, in fact, wearing a tank top and not a shirt left over from the 80's...  He did have the aforementioned built in sleeves.  It was like a car crash, I did not want to be rude and stare but I could not help but take several quick glances.

Although I can not speak from experience but I can only imagine that wearing double sleeves would not be comfortable.  This could be why most dogs do not enjoy wearing clothes.  They don't want the extra layer any more than I would.

If I was 'blessed' with the extra insulation or was follicly enhanced, I think I would be forced to go the route of the man-scapers.  I would have to remove the excess follicles and wear my sleeveless shirts.
We have learned from The 40 Year Old Virgin that waxing can be painful.  I know that plucking eyebrows is not pleasant.  A girlfriend wanted to do that to me once and it hurt...

I guess to each his own but I don't think their should be that much hair on an individuals arms.

Monday, August 8, 2011

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Try To Fix It...

The other day I heard some disturbing news.  (Probably more disturbing than it should be but that is part of what makes me me.)

I heard they are planning on re-making "War Games".  You know, the one that was all about the kid who used a dial up connection to hack into a computer the size of a house and starts a nuclear war...  What will this one be?  His iPhone and his 3G network?  It just seems silly to me, especially after they already made a "War Games 2".
The 'sequel' was okay but it really had a feeling of  tacking on a '2' to the title and get a number of people who enjoyed the original (and superior) film.  They did bring JOSHUA back to 'beat' the new modern computer (unlikely but okay, tie it into the original a bit).

What's even worse is that they are re-making "Footloose".  I have seen the preview of this film.  Much of the dialogue is word for word identical to the original.  Sounds good right?  It is until you see the dance sequence at the drive in.
In the original, it is a group of people having a good time and dancing to have fun.  In the new one, the dance sequence looks far less innocent.  It is 'today's' dancing, grinding on each other and one step away from needing a room (yes, still fun but in a whole different way).
Cut to the town council meeting where Ren is arguing about the dancing being for fun and there is nothing wrong or immoral with their dancing.  A more compelling argument for the dancing in the1984 version.

I have no issues with re-making films or story lines, as long as the intent is to improve the content.  All too often, it is not needed and there is no improvement on the film.
Take "Ocean's Eleven".  I saw the original 1960 version with the Rat Pack.  That one was very good and I enjoyed it although it threw you a curve and (spoiler spoiler) the 'good' guys did not succeed in their heist.
When the re-did the movie, I felt there were improvements to the story and with the modern technology it was a very creative robbery and the cast of well knowns didn't hurt it either.  Although I liked the two set in Vegas better, all three movies were enjoyable to watch.

Sometimes It may be better referred to as a re-imagining which is okay but will most likely annoy the fans of the original.  The re-make (re-imagining) of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" was okay but I think it would have been better if they just made a basic horror movie.  The movie was trying to cash on the originals success.  For my taste, they changed the origin of the character too much and messed with the story that I am a fan of.

On the other hand, I liked the new "Friday the 13th".  It stayed true to the story.  It combined a bit of the first three original films and mashed them into one, but it worked.

Going from the Batman TV series in the 60's to the 1989 Tim Burton Batman (although they got a little silly at the end of that stretch of films) to the current Christopher Nolan series of Batman Begins and two sequels.  Different takes of the same character and vision of the world, but they tended to stay true to the story arc and for the most part are very enjoyable.

Maybe I am being too hard on Hollywood or maybe I am just ready for my own balcony a la Statler and Waldorf and just have a need to complain.

Eventually all ideas will have to be recycled...  Not EVERYTHING can be original but there seem to be a lot of movies that are re-makes that do not work.

I guess, as Garth so wisely and simply put it, "We fear change."

Perhaps I shouldn't but as I so wisely put it "It's part of what makes me me."

Monday, August 1, 2011

What Fools These Mortals Be

This is actually a bit of recycling.  GO GREEN PEOPLE!

Hopefully this will give me a little kick start to start putting up posts on a regular basis.

I had posted this in a 'note' on my Facebook profile while I was quite frustrated with the attitudes of many I was working with at the time.  Attitudes that I could not really get behind or wrap my head around.

Although I am still frustrated with work, it is more due to the lack of job in my chosen career field (theatre).
Anybody know of something preferably in Florida or a warm climate give me a shout.
September 9, 2009

What Fools These Mortals Be…

What has happened to theater (or theatre if you are really into it…)?

I got into this business because I loved it… I guess deep down, I got into it because I would like to make a decent amount of money. But, in reality, I know that it is very unlikely that I will be drawing a 7 figure paycheck from doing a show whether it be performing or running around in the dark…
I got into it because I like the idea of giving people an escape from reality. I liked the idea of escaping reality.

I would think that most others got into this line of work for the same reason. There are few that are under the delusion that they will end up drawing that illustrious 7 figure paycheck for what they do. But if we are honest with ourselves, we know that that probably will not happen…

“We fool ourselves so much we could do it for a living.” Stephen King via Wireman.

At some point it became a job for a lot of them.

That is unfortunate.

While in college (people unknowingly thought I was taking the ‘easy’ way out by being a theatre major. Little did they know that, for me, it was a bit more than the M-F 9-5 classes) I would meet accounting or business majors and ask them why they were majoring in accounting or business.  Did they love math or business? The answer was No… The most common answer was, “Because I can make a lot of money.” Or, "I can get a good job."

I can’t imagine doing something that I was not in love with for 40+ years until retirement solely because of the ever longed for dollar. I know in certain situations it is a means to an end or out of necessity.  I can understand and get behind that.

However, it gets under my skin when I hear people saying ‘it's not my job’ (or yob) or ‘that’s not in my contract’.  I could understand it if you job was to clean out sewage pipes or fix issues with Black Water (sewage on a cruise ship)…  If I was responsible for that, and someone asked me to clean out an area that was not in my section, I would have to say ‘That’s not my job’.  Of course, I think if I was in that situation it was not because I enjoyed cleaning up Black Water, it was a matter of necessity.

That being said, when someone in this industry pulls out that line, or tries to get away with the least amount of work possible, it makes my blood boil.

I remember, back in the day, and a little closer to the current day for that matter, when I would work many long hours just to get the show up and running. I was not on the 9-5. I was on the 9 (or earlier) until it was all done…

Perhaps it was blissful ignorance of youth, but I remember when, working in community theatre, before partially driven by the dollar, when I would rush home from school, finish my homework because we had to eat dinner ASAP so we could get to the 7:00 rehearsal.
Everyone seemed to do that… The entire group, or a large portion of it would give 110% of their time and energy to get it done. We would finish a show, strike the set and head to the auditions for the next adventure (still with make up and sweat from the last performance on our bodies).

I keep hearing of this thing called a weekend… I am not exactly sure what people are referring to, but growing up Saturday and Sunday just meant a full day of working at the theatre building the set or rehearsing. Whatever it took…
I remember working three days straight in New York to get the show open in time. It was one of the best summers I can remember.

In recent years, the commitment does not seem to be there. They are willing to do the least amount of work possible. They are not ready to go that extra mile. They want to be the star and that is it. At a moment’s notice they are ready to say ‘That’s not my job, or that is not in my contract.’
Whatever is best for the show is the way I like to go about things.
I know people don’t want to be taken advantage of but still…

Perhaps ‘theatre people’ are a dying breed or they have evolved into something less than what they were. 
Perhaps the passion is not there anymore.
Perhaps the love, like the music, has died…
Perhaps the spark is still alive somewhere in the young or the young at heart…

I think I might be a little too young say, “when I was young…”
BUT… When I was young…

Oh well… I guess it is what it will be…