I have always done well in school.
I have lived in several different parts of this country and traveled to many parts of the world.
I do believe one can always learn something new and I am not against that in any way.
If someone asked me to define dually, I would probably come up with something close to what the dictionary has:
1. of, pertaining to, or noting two.
2. composed or consisting of two people, items, parts, etc., together; twofold; double: dual ownership; dual controls on a plane.
3. having a twofold, or double, character or nature.
Today was a day in which I learned something new.
While working, I took an order over the phone for pick up. When I got the vehicle description the gentleman on the other end of the line said, "I drive a 1 Ton Ford 'Dooly'". I repeated the vehicle type just to make sure I heard it correctly. I did.
I gave him the total and hung up. When I asked the bartender if she knew what a 'dooly' was, she sort of laughed and said yes.
I was part of the very small minority of people in the restaurant, guests and workers, who did not know what a 'dooly' was/is.
I started life in Colorado (okay, technically I was three [or 36 months - depending on who you talk to] when we moved to Colorado), lived for many years in Illinois, have spent time in New York, lived in Florida for a while (and will be again soon), and have traveled through a lot of Europe and the Caribbean.
I have NEVER heard of an alternate name of 'dooly' used for a truck... Lori in England, yes. Some names I cannot pronounce from other countries, of course. 'Dooly', never.
That is right friends, for the uneducated or unknowing, a 'dooly' or dually, is a pick up truck. It is specifically the type that has double wheels on each side on the rear axle. (Therefore, 'dual' and dually.)
I have always known this to be the 'horse trailer truck' or the 'camper truck' or 'the truck that you use to pull larger loads', any variation along that line.
This is not the case here in Tennessee. The majority of the individuals asked or informed about my (very humorous apparently) lack of knowledge on the vernacular of this area, knew EXACTLY what 'a dually' was referring to.
This is what one looks like unless you know what I am talking about by 'the horse trailer truck'.
So for the rest of the day - certain bartenders decided to call me 'dooly'.
I know of other trucks that have ten wheels as well. Double axle on the back each axle with four wheels each.
When I inquired about what 'cool name' this type of truck had I was quite disappointed as it is simply called a 'ten wheel'.
I am sure many of you are wondering the same thing as I. Why is there a fun and festive name for the six wheeled, or aforementioned 'dually', and the more impressive ten wheeled big brother is simply called a 'ten wheel'?
Although I could not find an acceptable answer to this, I would formally like to announce my new word/name for the ten wheeled vehicle with which to pull a trailer for animals larger than a horse (perhaps cows?), or a larger trailer than your basic pop up or out...
Drum roll please...
The ten wheeled truck shall now be called 'a decly'... (TM @TheSethBerry August 27, 2011)
Please pass the word and feel free to insert my new word into your vocabulary and use it as often as possible to get it out there into the world.