Thursday, August 18, 2011

To Scape or Not To Scape

I don't think there should be any question...

If you know me, there are several things you probably know;

1 - I do not like to wear pants - since my Freshman year in college when I broke my leg and had to wear shorts to get them over the cast (people would laugh if I wore nothing).  It was in the middle of the winter but I just got used to it and found that most buildings had the heat cranked so it was hot inside.  If I wore jeans my legs would get cold regardless and would hold the cold air within the denim and my legs would remain cold longer.  If I wore shorts, the warm air would hit my skin quicker and warm up my legs faster than had I worn pants.

2 - I am not really fond of regular shoes, I prefer sandals or bare feet for myself - I DO NOT like feet (a horrible part of the body but that is for another time) but I do like some cool shoes on a lady, but don't ask me to touch them...  When we cram the infant feet into shoes before they can even walk, we are squishing the feet and letting them get all hot and sweaty...  Feet need to breath and enjoy the sun like the rest of our body...  Sandals or bare feet are the way to go...

3 - I do enjoy a tank top or a sleeveless shirt - like the feet needing to enjoy the sun, our whole body needs to enjoy the warmth of the sun.  I believe I am meant to live in a warm climate.  Hopefully this next holiday season I will be in Florida and not getting weird looks when I am wearing my short and sandals.

4 - I am not a hairy dude... - minor point but relevant in this topic.

(Basically I should be a beach bum and should have grown up on the beach but was born in the wrong place geographically.)

That being said.

I don't think I would be donning a tank top or sleeveless shirt if I already had built in sleeves.  I saw a dude the other night that, at first glance, looked to be wearing a 'criss cross' style shirt with a bright yellow center and dark sleeves.

Not the case.

He was, in fact, wearing a tank top and not a shirt left over from the 80's...  He did have the aforementioned built in sleeves.  It was like a car crash, I did not want to be rude and stare but I could not help but take several quick glances.

Although I can not speak from experience but I can only imagine that wearing double sleeves would not be comfortable.  This could be why most dogs do not enjoy wearing clothes.  They don't want the extra layer any more than I would.

If I was 'blessed' with the extra insulation or was follicly enhanced, I think I would be forced to go the route of the man-scapers.  I would have to remove the excess follicles and wear my sleeveless shirts.
We have learned from The 40 Year Old Virgin that waxing can be painful.  I know that plucking eyebrows is not pleasant.  A girlfriend wanted to do that to me once and it hurt...

I guess to each his own but I don't think their should be that much hair on an individuals arms.

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