Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And the winner is?

In honor of the upcoming modern day gladiatorial combat (super bowl XLVI) I am taking this opportunity to make my call on who will be the winner.

NY Giants VS. New England Patriots

I say the NY Giants will win.

How did I come up with this pick?  Did I spend hours looking at the stats of each of the players and teams and figure which had the better chance of superiority?

Absolutely not...  I have a much more sophisticated and, in my opinion, logical way of deciding such important decisions as the outcomes of sporting events.

Mascots and colors!

As I don't follow sports I had to come up with some way to make a choice for when a football pool appeared at work or when when I was inevitably asked who I was rooting for...

1)  I look at the two mascots and decide which would actually win in a fight.  ie; Would a Giant beat a Patriot in a fight.  Of course.  A Giant against a mortal...  Nuff said.
It makes is a little odd when the mascot is inanimate.  My high school mascot was the Sabres.  We were swords.  Not a whole lot of fight in that.

2)  If it is a draw on which mascot would conquer the weaker...  Colors come into play.  Which ones go together better.  Some are pretty lame and others just look very cool.  In this particular case, colors do not come into play (fortunately - too tough a call).

That being said, there is something that presupposes a winner.  This would be any ties I have to a particular team or city.  If I have lived in a city/state I will pull for them.  I lived in Colorado so they would get an automatic bump up.  The same would go for Illinois, Tennessee and Florida.

New York gets a extra bonus as I spent a very nice summer in the state back in 2000 so I am claiming they will win with a bit of a lead.

Some places get a bonus as well based on friends/relative having gone to a particular school.  For example; a couple of my theatre professors went to Michigan State University so that school gets a bit of a bump up as a favorite.

Feel free to consult me @TheSethBerry should you have any questions in the future on which team you should bet on...  

***One school gets an honorary mention because the color scheme is so sweet.  It is The University of Maryland.  Their mascot is a turtle...  Not fast or vicious, but we can hope that they are more like Rahzar.

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