Sunday, September 16, 2012

“Not the glittering weapon fights the fight, but rather the hero's heart.”

***A bit of recycling from BB times.  April 25, 2009***

A little bit of excitement today...

On my way into the flea market I heard some shouting to, 'Stop that guy'!!!

I then saw a big thug running towards me with a cash box in his hand. Women and children were running for cover...

I immediately kicked into hero mode. With cat-like speed and reflexes, I rushed the guy and tackled him pinning him to the hot pavement kneeling on his back and wrestling the cash box back from his vice like grip. He was begging for mercy. I had none to give...

I was able to return the hard earned money to the little old lady who was trying to make enough money for her dialysis treatments by selling the pot-holders knitted with her arthritic fingers.

I shall expect my tights and cape shortly...

Good Guys 1 - Bad Guys 0...

I am sure everyone has no problem believing these events as factual and true...

However, in reality... This is what happened...

I was on my way into the flea market, I did hear people shouting 'Stop Him!'

That is when I saw the skinny punk running toward me with the cash box in hand. (He must of been new... Trying to make a get away on a busy Saturday on foot with a cash box in his flailing hands. No TOO conspicuous.)
This guy probably would have been knocked over by a stiff breeze anyway...

Still with the cat-like speed and reflexes I threw my hands out to try to block him. Maybe it was the Hero look I have to me or maybe it was that I look like I could be a football player (little did he know that I can barely throw a football - I got the wind knocked out of me playing touch football in junior high...).
In any case, he tried to cut to the right to avoid me. At this point, he slipped and fell on the pavement and dropped the cash box. (Again his amateur-ness shown through as he did not have a good grip on the box and wasn't even holding it by the handle.) He was asking to be allowed to stand up, he promised not to run away (I assume because the pavement was hot).

At this point, four other bystanders grabbed him and held him on the ground until the police showed up on their very threatening golf cart... (At least their tires squealed a bit when they stopped...)

The 'perp' was cuffed and taken away to the flea market jail (he had to walk as there was no room in the golf cart) and the money was returned to the flea marketer... (Sorry no little old lady, I don't even know what the guy was selling)...

If it puts anyone's mind at ease... I do believe that I would have been very heroic if the other men had not jumped on him...

I think I could have taken the punk...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind."

 Jerry Lee Lewis and his 13 year old wife...

So I posted the question to Facebook, 'what is an acceptable age difference when dating?'.

I received many very good answers to this query.

1) 'Make sure she is 18' / 'Not Jailbait'
2) +/- 10 years if you are over 21 is fine...

3) 1/2 my age plus 7.

Number one was one of my favorites and kind of a given...  (apparently Mr. Lewis didn't get that memo but you still gotta love "The Killer")

Reminds me of my time working at a theme park during college when they powers that be wanted to the techs to stand by the stage before the show. (Like people wanted to meet and talk to the guys who run around in the dark...)
What did we do?  Watched girls...  "13" was the code that we used to signify that we thought the female in question was not eighteen.  (If she was not 18, she might as well be 13.)

It also makes me think of a couple of friends from high school times in which the guy was a year older.  I think they were dating when they were both 17.  It then became, technically, illegal or 'wrong' for them to date once he turned 18.  Kind of an odd time for them.

Number two is okay at this point but would have been sketchy when I was 25 if I was pursuing the 15 year old.  As long as I referred to rule number one I would have been okay...

And number 3 (of course taking into account rule number one) seems okay.  Of course if I am still single when I am 60, I could be pursuing someone my current age...
At that point I would probably switch to rule number two.

One friend asked how old the girl in question was?  ie: How much younger is the girl I am going for?

The answer to that is that there is not one really...  More of a situation where I am realizing that most of the women that I meet are either younger that me (fortunately satisfying rule number one but falling into the rule two or three range), or they are married and/or have kids.

Now if anyone knows me, or has actually dated me, they know the lighting fast speed in which I move when it comes to making a move and asking a girl out.  I tend to wait for a friendship to develop first which end up being my downfall because by that point I am in the dreaded 'friend zone'.  I like to avoid embarrassment or awkward situations and see if there is a chance at all prior to making that move.

That being said, most (of the few) girls I have dated were younger than me.  Typically only by a year or two.

One was a number two which made for some interesting conversations and/or film viewings...

This girl had not seen ANY of the Star Wars films...  I took the opportunity to watch them with her in chronological order.  It was kind of fun seeing the reaction of the the big family spoiler which I won't mention here in case any depraved individuals who read this have not been exposed to the saga...

I kind of like the idea of introducing someone younger than me to some of the, in my opinion, classics of cinema.

I guess I would be fine with being considered a Panther.  The mascot of my Alma mater is a panther so why not???

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much.

Or perhaps needs to protest a little bit more, or maybe have some type of reaction...

If you know me you may (or may not) know that I am extremely shy.  I find it very difficult to ask that simple question of, "Do you want to go out sometime?"
Long story of why I believe this to be, perhaps someday I will put finger to key and get it out there.
Mostly because I want to get to know a lady before asking her out...  Although most will say that is what they are looking for, it ends up ruining the chances as we have entered the friend zone.

If/when I do end up getting the nerve to ask that question and get that elusive first date and then actually keep them going, and become 'a couple'...  I believe I end up being a pretty good boyfriend.  (Should anyone who has dated me reads this and disagrees, please don't tell me...  Let me continue being blissfully unaware.)

All that being said.

A scenario to consider:

I am currently working with a nice girl who has a great personality and seems very fun.  I think we could get along nicely.  (BONUS: She is close to my age and is not married, and does not have any kids.  I have found that tough to find today depending on where you located.)

While chatting she mentioned that it is tough for her as most guys don't want to taker her out or date her.

I said, "I would love to take you out, are you working Friday?"

She thought for a second and said she was.  It was left at that as we had to get to work...

Optimistically I was hope for "Sure", or "Maybe we could do something after work", or "I work Friday but I am off on _______".
Alas, no...  Nothing more was really said.

So I have to ask, where did I go wrong?

Did I wait too long?  Could she still be interested and is just as shy about this sort of thing as me?  Should I keep asking?
I would think that if she was at all interested, she would have suggested an alternate time, of course I have been wrong before.

Then again, maybe I should take it as a practice run that was not meant to be.

There is another that I had been trying to be bold enough to ask out.  We have similar taste in books and TV shows.
Maybe just maybe, if I am lucky.  She will be working tomorrow and I will have enough courage and the opportunity to ask her out after I had my little dry run today...

Who knows, maybe this one will say yes...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Heaven hath pleas'd it so to punish me with this, and this with me.

If only a good guy, me, can catch a break.

To be fair, I know things could be A LOT worse...  But still.

After months, actually more like years, I have finally found a company that recognizes the value of having me in their employ for more than a couple of days or weeks at a time.

This resulted in my having to find a domicile closer to the job as I would have a 100 mile/2 hour commute.  Doable if I had to in a pinch but not ideal.

The plan was/is to find an apartment for myself.  Sounds easy enough right?


Not so easy if;
a) You worked in a situation where you traveled 100% of the time and housing was provided. As you were home for six weeks between contracts there was not a need to keep property.
b) When you did work with a company where you were in one place for the whole time you ended up getting a house as it was easier and more economical then the rentals in the area.
c) Stopped working where you had to travel so much so you could assist your family in moving and in general housework.
d) As a result you, not wanting to collect UN-employment, have taken various jobs out of your field so you could continue to do things like pay bills...

I found a very nice place.  Gated community, lots of nice amenities, and very close to the new place of employment.
As part of the application this particular complex (could be others, but I have no frame of reference) 'scores' you based on three factors. Job history and longevity, rental history, and credit score.
Due to my circumstances I received ZERO points for rental history due to the reasons listed.  And I received low points for job longevity due to taking the job that is available and the nature of my business having jobs that are a couple of weeks or a couple months.  It is not the regular job where you are working year round with a couple of weeks vacation.

Although I have an excellent credit score and have been working since I was 15 with minimal gaps in that history, I was not readily approved to get the apartment.
At this point, due to low 'score', I would have to pay double the security deposit, and would not qualify for the bonus of first month's rent free.

Being a good person who has always paid bills, including a mortgage, and decided to stop working where I had been for years so I could help my parents when they need it does NOT factor in.

Why am I being penalized for this?  I continually seeing people that do not seem to have any type of job residing in places and finding a wife and starting a family (often times not wanting the latter but getting it anyway) and collecting support for their 'effort'.

Any reward for hard work and support of family???

Perhaps I should have forgotten about the shorter jobs where I was a manager or supervisor and opted for a job mopping floors that had longevity.

Floors always need to be mopped.

UPDATE:   I have been approved but I still need to pay DOUBLE the security deposit.  This is less than one month's rent and I do get one month free but still not happy about it.  
"We have to use the same criteria for everyone..."
Based on their application/approval process - I would have gotten a better score if I had worked steadily as a dishwasher and paid a friend $25 to sleep on his couch...

At least I know where I will be sleeping when I start work...

Friday, March 23, 2012

I could maybe be a threat... Honest... Not in bad way though...

I guess it is good that women do not see me as threatening…  But come on…

True, when you work in theatre, there is often not a whole lot of room for modesty in the dressing room or backstage.  Quick changes have to happen, as the name implies, very quickly. You don’t always have separate dressing rooms.  You have to change clothes where ever you have space to do so.

Also true is the fact that many men involved with theatre are gay.  This often makes many women more comfortable when making quick changes.  However, I am proof that not ALL men involved with theatre are gay.  I always thought that was odd that the stigma was theatre=gay, sports=straight.  To me: Playing sports means hanging out with a bunch of dudes and maybe some cheerleaders if you are lucky.  Working in theatre means hanging out with a bunch of girls (as well as guys), and often getting to dance with the girls.  Not to mention being around quick changes and various costumes with varying amounts of the body being revealed...

As a straight male, I prefer the latter of the two.

That being said, some women do prefer to keep some bit of modesty when they can which is understandable.  If it is not a quick change, keep the door to the dressing room closed, not having everyone running in and out as they please.  Sometimes this is not wanting to give the creepy dudes a free show if there is that feeling.

One time, while working with a production of The Rockettes, I was returning some costumes from some quick changes after the show.  I politely knocked on the door instead of just barging in with the costumes.  The response from inside was, ‘Come in if you’re gay!’.   I informed them that it was Seth.  They proceeded to say that it was fine that I enter. 

WHAT?  Either I was giving off the impression that I was gay or they did not see me as a threat and knew that I would not gawk.   (I hope it was the second option but either way...  Come on...)

In a more recent situation, someone decided to open the door to the dressing room with minimal clothing on.  I believe in an attempt to embarrass me or get a reaction from me.  They did not succeed so they proceeded to jump up and down and say that they were ‘naked’.  This I disagreed with.  Naked would require even fewer clothes on that what she did have.  

In reality many people show more at the beach than they do in their underwear so it really is not a big deal... 

More recently still, the same female, while in a housing situation, did not seem to have a problem walking about with minimal clothing.  Not the whole time, just while getting ready but still.

Now I am not saying I want women to feel uncomfortable around me to the point where they need to wear a burqa.  But at least see me as a guy who will enjoy seeing minimal or no clothing, and I am not as safe as a guy who has no interest what-so-ever in what she has to offer…

So feel free to prance around almost naked if you want but don't expect a reaction from me when in a work situation.  
If it is not a work situation I will probably enjoy it (despite my feelings on strip clubs) but it is not nice to tease people...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Then swore I that I was a stranger here. B

I tried to walk under the ship.

Amsterdam was our home port and one of the few European ports in which you could easily walk into town from the ship and I was pretty comfortable with my surroundings.
In Town

Turn left: Red Light District
Turn right: town.
Not in RLD but a very interesting
advertising technique...
Would never happen in the US...

Yes, I did venture into "The District".  How could I not, being in Amsterdam.  Kind of un-nerving, women throwing themselves at me from their little windows.  This is a rarity for me with or without windows.  And, lets be honest, we were there in the morning mid week...  I was probably not seeing the A or even the B squad.  

This particular day, I was enjoying the weather and wandering around.  Again, I was comfortable in the area and did not think I would have an issue getting back to the ship.
However, the Dutch did not receive the memo about the streets in a grid formation either.  I got turned all around.
Fortunately they are much more open to speaking English.  I showed several people my ship ID and asked where to find the ship.  I got vague directions from several people and finally saw the top edge of the ship.  I only had to get across the train tracks and elevated road.  
I see a road that appears to go underneath the railroad tracks complete with a little walk way on the one side.
I proceed into the 'small' tunnel.  I am walking along and do not get to the end of the tunnel.  
I begin to walk faster.
My 'logic' is that if I am going to get/be lost, I would rather get somewhere sooner rather than later.
As I am walking the drivers begin to honk at me but I proceed on my path.
Yellow/Orange lights begin to flash and there is a announcement over the loud speaker.  In Dutch, obviously.  Does not really help me.  A little bit more walking and there is more honking lights and Dutch.  Still not helping.
I realize I have a pursuer.  A nice gentlemen in uniform catches up to me and asks where I am trying to go.  I explain my situation and he just shakes his head and escorts me back the way I had come to a little doorway.  We take an elevator up to street level and I am right by the ship...
The way I figure it, I was under the ship/later attempting to make my way across the bay to the other side.
I thanked the nice man and proceeded to get my butt back on the ship.  This time with about 15 minutes to spare...

I almost missed the ship...

The town of Ketchikan asked the ship if we would like to be in the fourth of July parade as we were in port on the fourth.  We agreed but was basically required for myself along with a couple of other entertainment personnel on board. (This may have been the cruise in which I got into a big fight over a Canada Day/Fourth of July party...  It got ugly...  Maybe a later blog...)

The provided us with a flat bed truck in which we could build a float.  We had a fabricated smoke stack complete with one of our foggers from the theatre, a bunch of people to ride on and walk along side during the parade, and some speakers and music that we would play.
We were all set up and ready to go when we were informed of two key things. 
1) The start time of the parade was moved back a little bit.
2) Our position in the parade was moved back.
A combination of these two factors was going to make it very tight for us to get back to the ship when we were done.  The officials assured us that we would be fine.  Of course they were not the ones operating the ship...

We had the Cruise Director, Production Manager, AV Manager (me), and the Lighting Tech on this float.  When we were done, we were past the all aboard time for crew and quickly approaching the all aboard for the guests (meaning the ship would be pulling away and leaving).

The nice folks in Ketchikan offered to hold onto all our equipment until the next week but we weren't exactly comfortable with that.
Our flat bed driver came to the rescue.  He proceed to race through the small streets of Ketchikan (sometimes down the wrong way on a one way), to get us back to the ship.  He races up to the dock and security has removed the rails of the gangway, broken down all the scanners and metal detectors.
We were the last four people to get back on board.
As soon as we got up the ramp they were pulling it in and we started pulling away from the dock.

If you are ever on a cruise - BE ON TIME.  THEY WILL LEAVE WITH OUT YOU!  It does not matter who you are, except maybe the Captain.

Not the only adventures I have had in my life but they kind of stand out...

Then swore I that I was a stranger here. A

As I have previously mentioned, I have had the opportunity to travel quite a bit.

Traveling to a foreign country can be difficult.  When you don't speak the language of that land, navigating it can be difficult.  I would say if you were going to spend any length of time in one area, learn the language.  If I had been able to learn ALL the different languages of the lands that I was going to be visiting, it would have been very intense.  Although I visited each port several times, I was never spending an extended period of time in any one port.  The longest would be Germany for a few weeks and it was quite tough not knowing too much German.
However, if I were to move to Mexico, I would learn A LOT more Spanish.  Likewise, if someone moves here to the United States, they should have a strong grasp of the English language.
I applaud anyone who is able to to communicate in more than one language with little or no difficulty.  Being bi-lingual is very cool.

I am getting a little of subject.

As promised, I will know tell regale you with some of my adventures I have had.

They DO NOT want to speak/understand English even if they know it...

I was not too excited when the itinerary included France.  Partly because the company would say that the ship stops in Paris, when this was not the case.  The stop was actually La Havre.  It was an additional two and a half hour train ride to get to Paris.
I was not planning on making the additional trip to Paris.  I would just hit the mall in La Havre.  I do not speak French except for a few small phrases.  I could just as easy not be understood in La Havre as I could in Paris without the extra expense.
The more I thought about it I figured, "when will I get to go to Paris?", so I decided to throw caution to the wind and take the trip.  I had no idea which way to go when I got there...

Upon arrival, the first order of business was lunch.  As mentioned, not knowing the native language, I headed for the familiar golden arches to get some food.  I figured, if nothing else, I could order like they suggested in Pulp Fiction.
"One Royal with Cheese meal please!"
Blank Stare
"Quarter Pounder?"
Smile and nod and I proceed to pay the insane prices after conversion from USD to EU.  (Much disappointment brought to me by Quentin Tarantino that day.)

After wandering around, seeing some cool architecture and what I am pretty sure was an announcement for a public hanging, I happened to stumble across the Louvre.  The courtyard was HUGE!  Then when I got to the far end of it, there was the Eiffel tower.  It did not appear to be far away but looks can be deceiving so I chose to head back to the train station.

Sound easy?  IT WAS NOT...  Apparently no one told the French (or any of the Europeans) that it is much easier to make streets in a grid formation.  I was pretty much lost.

I then proceeded to ask people (very humbly, not 'cocky American') where the train station was.  I even had a nice little prop, a train schedule I had picked up prior to leaving the train station. I mostly received a silent shrug from the various Parisians.
If I remember correctly, I even had found the McDonalds so I knew I was close.
When I finally found the train station, I discovered it was right on the same block and across the street from MANY people I had asked...

I then made the trip back to La Havre only to discover that the shuttle to go from town back to the ship was done.  I was on my own to get back.  (Here we go again.)
Fortunately I found a bar with some younger people and a fast food place Quick Burger?  Maybe another McDonald's in which they were able to call me a cab to take me back to the ship.

After my excellent cabbie got me back to the ship with about 30 minutes to spare before all aboard (cutting it VERY close for me), and me showering him with the Euros I had left, I made it back to my tiny room and collapsed.


Not as exciting as it sounds but still very traumatic for me.

It was a process to get off the ship in St. Petersburg.  Unless you were going on a shore excursion, had a Russian passport or a visa from your home country, you were not allowed off the ship.   The company made 'shore excursions' for the crew meaning a shuttle from the port into St. Isaac's Square.  From there you could walk to The Church of the Spilt Blood, or get a 'cab' to where ever you wanted to go.  I say 'cab' because pretty much anyone with some room in their backseat and some extra time could and would be a cab for you.

Back to the robbery.

I was not forced at knife point into a alley and shaken down and all my money take from me and left with only my socks...
At some point, while walking around the well populated areas (I am not THAT stupid), someone very skillfully opened up the zipper pocket on my Old Navy back pack and removed my mini tri-pod for my camera and my hacky sac.

I warned you it was devastating.

Fortunately I had my passport in the interior portion of the pack and my cash and camera were in the front pockets.
Now, I am not that good at hacky sac (I have this thing were I am reluctant to practice in public for a fear of people mocking me...  Flashbacks to High School I guess), and I have a steady hand for photography so it is was not a major loss but I still felt violated and not in the good way...

I know this is going a bit long so:

To Be Continued

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Fat Tuesday!!!

Okay...  This is a quicky!

We are on a timeline people...

I only had a little bit of time in which I thought about #TheNewLent 2012 or 2.0 whatever you want to call it.

I think last year was a pretty good success.  I didn't quite make it a full 365 days of working out but made it to sometime in November.  I am working diligently to continue on that path.  I am not what I would call buff yet but I think I look better than what I did a year ago. 
If/when I get a job that is consistently paying me, I am planning on getting a gym membership, and one for next month when I am working on the East coast so I can do actual work outs instead of the minimal work that I am able to do at home.

All that being said.  I need suggestions.

1) What do we call it?  #TheNewLent2012?  #TheNewLent2.0?  #ReturnOfTheNewLent?  What?

2) What do I do?  The only thing that I had thought about trying was to drink more water.  We are not going crazy here and giving up Diet Pepsi.  Plus, that is not what #TheNewLent is about.  It is about starting something new.  Not giving up something old.
My initial plan was to drink the recommended 64oz. (Ironically it looks like 64 is not the magic number any more but I am not going to refigure...  I still think it could be a good idea.  Timeline 'member?) of water BEFORE I allow myself the sweet nectar that is Diet Pepsi or anything else.

What do you think?  This sort of builds on last year and is a good improvement on lifestyle.

Let me know people...  t-minus 11.5 hours before I have to begin this thing...  Same deal though...  If I am indulging in a beverage prior to going to bed, the new day does not begin until I wake up the next morning...

Bring on the suggestions...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Only Time Will Tell If It Was Time Well Spent

This is not meant to be an excuse for my last blog, but more of a reason behind my feelings held within said blog.  This may sound whiny at times and bragy at others but it is just the stream of consciousness writing that is the way my brain works and what goes through it almost on a daily basis...  Welcome to my mind...  Maybe this is why I like to keep busy with work when I can, not giving my mind time to think about it...

Some may say that I am over thinking things and that everything will happen as it should.  It is on God's timetable not my own.  I can understand this but I am just looking at the numbers...

At this point in my life I do not have a Girlfriend, no real prospects, and not in a very stable job situation so if I were to have a prospect I would not feel super-comfortable thinking about starting a family with her.

Sometimes I wonder if I have done something wrong with my life.  What have I accomplished?  Did I make a wrong turn?  Did I make a wrong choice?  (Yes, everything we do and every choice that we make, good and bad, develops us into who we are.)  What if I had made a different choice ten years ago, twenty?  What would be happening in my life right now?  Would I be taking a kid to daycare or fearing them becoming a teen in a couple of years?  Your basic butterfly effect...

I see friends from high school and college who have gotten married and have a family and are able to watch them grow up.  I see friends who are a good decade younger than myself in the same scenario.  In theory they are in a stable enough job in which they can afford this.  (I know I know, things can always be tight and money does not buy happiness.  It does not buy happiness but it can make for a less stressful time of things.) Many will also tell you that you will never be completely stable financially, there will always be another bill, another expense.  You will not always be ready for all of them.

What have I done with my life?

When I really look at it, I have done a lot of things that many people my age have not had the opportunity to do, if they will ever have the chance.

One of the first things is that I was able to go to college.  Some of my cousins have attended but I am the first in my immediate family to get a degree.

The major thing that I have been able to experience was travel.  I worked on Celebrity Cruise lines for several years and toured all over the Caribbean, Alaska and Europe.  Not many can check off; Russia, France, Egypt, Jerusalem, Amsterdam, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Turkey,
Greece, Spain, Ireland, Aruba, Acapulco, St. Marteen, Jamaica,  traversing the Panama Canal seeing the calving of a glacier on their list (bucket or otherwise).

(I almost didn't make it back to the ship in France and Alaska, I tried to walk under it in Amsterdam, and got my pocket picked in Russia but those are stories for another time...)

Guggenheim Museum, NY NY
Flam, Norway

Helsinki Cathedral - Helsinki, Finland

Hubbard Glacier, AK

St. Basil's - Moscow, Russia

Church in Honor of Mary Magdalene - Jeruselem
The Little Mermaid - Copenhagen, Denmark
Church of the Spilt Blood - St. Petersburg, Russia

Kremlin - Moscow, Russia
The Louvre - Paris, France (HUGE!!! Wish I could put up a panoramic shot...)

The Sphinx and Giza Pyramids
Sphinx was much smaller than it appears in pictures
My Camel and more Pyramids

Again, not trying to brag, just give you a better idea of where I am coming from.

So I have done some stuff with my life so far.  However, there is so many more things that I want to do...  Having a family and passing on the family name is the main thing.

IF... TOMORROW...  I had a good job, a great girlfriend that I could see myself falling in love with and growing old with, and married her the next day, had a baby in the next nine months (preferably in that order)...  I would be about 54 years old when that first child graduated from high school...  This is all assuming I get married and get right into the baby making next week...  Not likely to happen, so that is just pushing that age further and further along.  Good thing men don't really have that whole biological clock thing going on for them...

This is all considering one kid.  The way my mind is working I need at least two...  One of each...
I would like a boy for my own desire to pass along the family name.  It is pretty much up to me if decades from now there are to be any 'Berry's' running around in shorts in the middle of winter.
I need to have a little girl for my Mom...  She desperately wants a granddaughter.  My sister has had three boys.  Every time my Mom sees a little girl or a little girls outfit or little girl shoes, she says that she wants a little girl to dress up, she only has grandsons...  Every now and then she mentions that it is up to me...  No pressure though... :-)
I do know Mom just wants me to be happy with whatever happens in my life...

I truly believe that age is a state of mind.  You are only as old as you feel.  I don't feel like I am 36.  Most people when they meet me do not realize that I am as old as I am.  Often, people think I am a good ten years younger than I am.  I guess that is a good thing but it does not change the fact that, the way things are going, I will be in my 60's when my kid(s) are graduating high school, not to mention college and urging my kids to get to having kids so I can enjoy the my grandchildren...

Phew...  You are now free to exit the craziness of my mind and proceed with your, hopefully, saner life.

Black Sand Beach - Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Darkness must go down the river of night's dreaming

That is right...  It is that time of year again when a dark day falls on the calendar.  Black Tuesday approaches.  This darkest of days is more commonly known as Valentines Day.

I have nothing personal against the day itself, it is just an ugly reminder that for 36 years now I have been single (on that day).  I know my Valentine could be right around the corner and on year 37 I could have a whole different outlook on the day.  I like to be optimistic about life but 36 years and counting, no 'special someone' on that day so far...

The dreaded candy aisle...

It seems that the day begins to show it's ugly face the day after Christmas when the red and green candy is swapped with red and pink...  Hearts everywhere...  Little cupids mocking me and reminding me that I still don't have a "Plus One".  If I was invited to a wedding, I would have to check the box admitting that I would be attending alone.  Just one chicken...  No guest for me...

To make it even worse the evil(er) twin shows up a short eight months later.  I am referring to Sweetest Day.  According to the link, it is meant to recognize all loved ones but lets be honest.  It is a mini-valentine's day.  The candy aisle mocks, "still don't have a girlfriend huh?".

Ironically the former holiday originated to honor martyrs but has evolved into the 'holiday' it is today.  Candy hearts, overpriced flowers, and bitter singles sitting alone at the movies...

America spends about $15 million on gifts for loved ones.  Pretty wild.

A friend mentioned (after being bummed about being single for the moment) that love should be celebrated all year long.  It should not be saved up for one day (maybe two) during the year.

Back in the day, when finances allowed it, my Dad would always do special things for my Mom.  At one point he would get a special gift for her each month.

I am not saying that it has to be monetary at all.  If/when you find that someone special, you need to love them each day and make sure they know it.  Remember the little things (like if they don't like pickles on their burgers), and love their idiosyncrasies and all of their little quirks.

If you are lucky enough to have a special someone right now,  start this year off right and celebrate every day with them.  Don't save it for the 14th day in February.

While you are doing that, I will be wearing black in 'honor' of the day.

Perhaps next year I will be ooey-gooey...  Time will tell.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And the winner is?

In honor of the upcoming modern day gladiatorial combat (super bowl XLVI) I am taking this opportunity to make my call on who will be the winner.

NY Giants VS. New England Patriots

I say the NY Giants will win.

How did I come up with this pick?  Did I spend hours looking at the stats of each of the players and teams and figure which had the better chance of superiority?

Absolutely not...  I have a much more sophisticated and, in my opinion, logical way of deciding such important decisions as the outcomes of sporting events.

Mascots and colors!

As I don't follow sports I had to come up with some way to make a choice for when a football pool appeared at work or when when I was inevitably asked who I was rooting for...

1)  I look at the two mascots and decide which would actually win in a fight.  ie; Would a Giant beat a Patriot in a fight.  Of course.  A Giant against a mortal...  Nuff said.
It makes is a little odd when the mascot is inanimate.  My high school mascot was the Sabres.  We were swords.  Not a whole lot of fight in that.

2)  If it is a draw on which mascot would conquer the weaker...  Colors come into play.  Which ones go together better.  Some are pretty lame and others just look very cool.  In this particular case, colors do not come into play (fortunately - too tough a call).

That being said, there is something that presupposes a winner.  This would be any ties I have to a particular team or city.  If I have lived in a city/state I will pull for them.  I lived in Colorado so they would get an automatic bump up.  The same would go for Illinois, Tennessee and Florida.

New York gets a extra bonus as I spent a very nice summer in the state back in 2000 so I am claiming they will win with a bit of a lead.

Some places get a bonus as well based on friends/relative having gone to a particular school.  For example; a couple of my theatre professors went to Michigan State University so that school gets a bit of a bump up as a favorite.

Feel free to consult me @TheSethBerry should you have any questions in the future on which team you should bet on...  

***One school gets an honorary mention because the color scheme is so sweet.  It is The University of Maryland.  Their mascot is a turtle...  Not fast or vicious, but we can hope that they are more like Rahzar.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Life was so simple back then...

Although this day should be remembered for Martin Luther King, for the most part that is not what it means to many people.  To most it means a holiday from work or from school.

I am no different.

This day began having more significance for me in college.  Specifically sophomore year.  Before this it was a day off from school, cool but that was about the extent of it.
My sophomore year, I had turned 21.  I could drink without fear of arrest.  This meant it was an extra day to have parties.  Usually we bumped it up to begin the weekend on Thursday and went on through Sunday night and recovering on Monday.

Thinking about this day, and what it had meant in college, made me miss college.  Some say that high school was the best time of their life, they had a great time.  I hated high school, for the most part I did not have a good time, I could not wait for the day, the week, the year, the four years to end.

College was a whole different story.  The first semester was a rough one being away from home for the first time.  It was pretty lonely.  Although I knew that I was going to be a theatre major, it was a little tough to get 'in' to the group until I began working in the scene shop and working on shows.  (The first show was a hold over from the summer season so cast and crew was already assigned.)

Around October, I moved to a different dorm (closer to the theatre), and was getting involved more and it was great.  My room mate typically did not see me from morning until late at night, maybe catch a glimpse of me rushing in to change clothes before rehearsal.

Sophomore year I was living with Courtney and we had a good time.  We did a lot of\ stupid things, some minor injuries, but nothing serious. So all was good.

She annoyed Courtney...

I had to help...

Where else but college do you decorate with beer cans?

There was a connection between us, we were all in this thing together.

Some left too soon...
Finally graduation day came.  I knew that it possibly be the last time that I would see a lot of these people.  I have been able to see some of them periodically, we had a wonderful reunion of the theatre alumni and we were able to catch up.  I did a couple of visits after I had graduated to visit some people but that is about it.  For the most part many of the people that were such a big part of my life are not in it any more.  Perhaps I can blame myself for this as I moved out of state and ended up on a cruise ship for many years so I was out of the country but it is still unfortunate.

I often think of the Avenue Q song and think out nice it would be to go back to college.  I would have fewer worries (or less important in the long run).  I would not be timing deposits and checks written to make sure funds would be there for the bill.  I would not be wondering where the next car payment would be coming from.  And be anxiously awaiting replies to sent resumes and interviews when they do happen.            

All that being said, IF I did go back to college, would it be the same.  Would I have the same experiences or would my classmates be too different being from a different generation?

Probably not...

Were my experiences the way they were only because of the time that I was there and the people that I was there with?                              


Thanks Dr. King for all that you did but I don't remember what you did on your day but my days in college.